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Inspection For TroubleshootingUpdated a year ago

Follow the steps provided, as they will guide you on a preventive bike inspection. This helps you to identify any possible issues or wear that can happen with regular use. Remember, all bikes need maintenance to offer a great ride continuously.

We start with a clean slate to review the symptoms and investigate the issue.

  • Please go through the steps, as normal use will cause some connectors or mechanical items to get loose.
  • Do a visual inspection of your bike in order to identify any visible issues. Be sure to inspect all cables and connectors. Please make note of any wire damage or mechanical damage as well(take pictures)

Connection inspection. Here is a handy schematic that you can use for this. We advise you to take your time and also to see that the zip ties are not over-tight, as they need to have a snug fit. We can then focus on the motor connector; you can disconnect it and reconnect it, as well as the sensor cable, to ensure proper mating. The controller to battery cable is inside the housing on top of the battery, but we don’t need to get there now as, at the moment, this is not an issue.

Note: You can use a can of compressed air (PC duster) to clean up the connections.

  1. Discharge test. This test is made, also to reseat the battery on your bike as roads can be a bit bumpy. Be sure to charge your battery fully to have a standard response from the test.
  2. Carefully remove the battery from your bike and set it aside. Then, without the battery, press the power button on your bike’s handlebar display and hold it for 10 seconds ( as you would do on a laptop ). This will clear any residual charge on the display.
  3. While doing this, please inspect the connection socket where the battery sits on the bicycle frame and see if there is anything loose.
  4. After this, put your battery back on the bike and do a quick power-up to see if everything is ok. Ensure the battery sits snuggly in the frame and doesn’t move. Before the test ride, ensure your battery is fully charged and properly on the frame.

These steps should be enough to prevent any issue you might have due to a misconnection.

Remember, when you power up your bike, you must have your feet off the pedals as the torque sensor needs to reset (like a bathroom scale).

Now, we can proceed to the torque and cadence sensors inspection.

  1. On the rear wheel of your bike, you will find the Torque/HDCadence sensor. The cadence sensor module can be seen in the image above.
  2. Ensure the cadence module is about 1mm from the 11T cog. The cadence can't be picked up accurately if space is too far.
  3. A nickel is almost 2mm, so if you can fit it in, the space between the sensor then it is too far away and won't read properly.
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